Changes and dooce!

I'm sure some have noticed my blog is "out of sorts."

I had planned on creating a new, clever, pretty header this weekend, but just didn't get around to it. So, until then, I have a sweet default layout!

Saturday I sat on my ass all day watching Rob & Big, The Golden Girls, and The Cutest Puppy with K. Hahaha.

Yesterday I went to Vail with my co-worker C.O. and rode all day. I actually tried to drop in on my first cornice, but instead fell on my butt! I will post the video soon.

Hopefully I'll get around to it soon, but probably not tonight! Why? Because Heather Armstrong a.k.a. dooce is promoting her book It Sucked and Then I Cried, in Denver tonight!!! I can't wait!!! Yes, with three exclamation points!!!