Interview and unrelated...

Had my semi-informal interview with Intrawest.

I think it went great. Of course, the only problem I'm running into is they want me their earlier than we were planning to move.

I could move into G's friends Lu and K-Dodd's house, but I would feel uncomfortable since I don't know them and because I don't feel like having Greg move everything on his own. I would prefer that we make this move together, since our last one to move here, was made separately...

On an unrelated note, today I got to meet:... none other than Bill (or should I say William) Murray. I knew it was him as soon as he walked in. T and I were the only ones in the bank. I kept my cool as he kept his glasses on. I shook his hand and thanked him for coming in. Then I went in for the kill, "would you take a picture with us?" So lame, but I couldn't resist.